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English is a language of the world
Конспект открытого учебного занятия  «English is a language of the world»

The aim: extension of knowledge of the world language culture on the basis of using learning in cooperation.
1.     Educational: forming of knowledge about an English language.
2.     Developing: developing of mental functions related to intellect activity.
3.     Upbringing: upbringing of respect for foreign culture and language.
The problem: to prove that English is a language of the world and answer the question why do we learn English?
T. Good afternoon, dear guests and students! I’m glad to see you at our lesson! Sit down, please.
T. At the beginning of our lesson we should train your tongues. Listen to me and repeat after me.
Language, foreign, origin, communicate, learning, information
 T.    Think about the English language. What do you think at this moment? You have 1 minute.

T. Now I want you to ask a question. What do you think? Why do we learn English language? As for me, we should learn English to be intelligent, communicative, and have opportunity of speaking with foreigners.
So, who can answer my question? What are the themeof our lesson?
Who can form the aim of our lesson? The problem?
Итак, тема нашего занятия «Английский язык- язык мира».
Цель нашего занятия – расширение знаний мировой языковой культуры на основе использования технологии обучения в сотрудничестве.
Проблема занятия в том, чтобы доказать, что английский язык является мировым языком и ответить на вопрос «Зачем мы изучаем английский язык?».
В ходе занятия будет использоваться технология обучения в сотрудничестве, студенты поделены на группы, в каждой из которых есть «консультант», который будет помогать остальным участникам группы. Нам предстоят различные виды деятельности: работа с текстом, работа в парах, работа в группе. Итак, начнем.
The main part
T. Well students, now we’ll read. But before reading you should answer the questions in the small test.
A language quiz. Choose the correct answer.
Ø    How many languages are there in the world?
a)                6,800       b) more than 10,000       c) over 1,000
Ø    How many people speak English as their first language?
a)                about 375 million       b) over 200 million       c) a billion and a half
Ø    Which is the language most spoken in the world?
a) German       b) English       c) Chinese    
So, you'll have to read the text about learning foreign languages carefully and say why English is taught and learnt in almost all the countries of the world. I suggest working in groups. Your "teachers" will help you. I can give you a helping hand if it is necessary. While you are reading you should make a list of reasons why people learn foreign languages.
Now read your list – one group should read one point, the others should cross out the point with the same meaning. Let’s see who will have the last one.
There are many languages in the world. Some of them are spoken in small tribes; others are spread all over the world like English or French. There are languages that are extremely difficult to learn, others are very easy. But anyway learning a foreign language is not an easy task and it takes a lot of time and effort.
People still learn foreign languages and there are some reasons for that. The most important is communication. More and more people travel abroad and the knowledge of a foreign language help them understand each other. There are also a lot of interesting books and magazines in foreign languages and people read them to get various information.
If you want to get a good job, you will have to know one or several foreign languages. This is another reason for learning foreign languages. There are languages of international communication and they are English and French.
The English language is the official language of many international organizations such as the Olympic Committee, the United Nations and others. This is the language of computing, too. Most Internet sites and software are in English. It is the native language of many countries such as Great Britain, the USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and others.
A lot of scientific books and articles are published in English. This language is becoming more and more popular and now it is hard to live without knowing it.
T. Well students, I'll give you these sheets of papers and you'll have to work according to the tasks given in them.
1. Read the text again for more detailed information and answer the questions:
Answer the questions:
1)      What languages are spread all over the world?
2)      Learning a foreign language is not an easy task, is it?
3)      What can you do to get various information?
4)      What can you do if you want to get a good job?
5)      This is the language of computing, isn’t it?
2. Complete the sentences in a logical way.
Ø    The English language is the official language of many international organizations such as the Olympic Committee, the United Nations and others.
Ø    There are also a lot of interesting books and magazines in foreign languages and people read them to get various information.
Ø    A lot of scientific books and articles are published in English.
Ø    But anyway learning a foreign language is not an easy task and it takes a lot of time and effort.
Ø    There are many languages in the world.
Ø    Most Internet sites and software are in English.
T. Well, students! We’ll work in pairs. You'll have to make up questions from the given words.
1) is/language/to/Why/learning/foreign/you/a/important?
2) for/How/you/long/have/learning/been/English?
3) English/like/first/What/was/lesson/your?
4) name/teacher’s/was/What/first/your/English?
5) most/you/about/languages/learning/difficult/What/find/do?
6) think/are/to/How/going/you/do/you/future/the/in/use/ English?
7) foreign/any/Are/learning/other/you/languages?
T. Don't forget we work in groups: help & consult each other.
1) Why is learning a foreign language important to you?
2) How long have you been learning English for?
3) What was your first English lesson like?
4) What was your first English teacher’s name?
5) What do you find most difficult about learning languages?
6) How do you think you are going to use English in the future?
7) Are you learning any other foreign languages?
T. Let's imagine we are at the scientific conference. Let me introduce two world known scientists in this field of science:
Ed.D. – Doctor of Education
BEd. - Bachelor of Education
You may ask them questions you are interested in.
2.      Imagine you are journalists from the "Times". Your task is to write an article “Why study English?” Interview our scientists.
Use if necessary:
а) реплики согласия/несогласия:
Right, I think the same; I’m afraid you are wrong; I think...; Exactly; Absolutely; As for me...; On the contrary; I don’t think so;
б) фразы и вопросы уточняющего характера:
What makes you think so? ;
Where have you got this information? ; Do you mean...? ;
What do you mean? ; What’s your idea about this? ; I believe...; Well, I suppose...;
в) эмоциональные реакции:
Unbelievable! ; That sounds strange; Incredible! How nice! Great! I can’t believe it;
г) обобщающие суждения:
On the whole; In general; Summing up all you’ve just said; Let’s come to a conclusion; The result is...;
T. Let’s watch video where foreigners say why do the learn English? Watching, you have to answer my questions. So, we would understand how we decided the problem of our lesson.
1. Do you need to learn foreign language?
2. Why do we learn English language?
3. Why is it important to learn English?
T. As a home task, you should write an essay with the recommendations for people who want to study English (what books, magazines and sites in the Internet they can use).
T. Today we have discussed such an event as the language. We have come to the conclusion that it is rather important to know a foreign language. Each person has his own aims and reasons. So we have realized that studying a language is interesting and can be fun. The lesson is over.

Разработала: Якунина Марина Ивановна, ОГАПОУ Старооскольский педагогический колледж

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